Saturday, August 01, 2009

Lily Days 9 & 10

Lily has been doing better these past couple of days. The blood transfusion helped her color and overall wellbeing immensely. She has been having less bradies. They started her on an antibiotic on Thursday night just to make sure she wasn't getting an infection. So far her cultures have been negative (no infection) and if that holds true tonight - they'll take her off of the antibiotic tomorrow morning. It was a precautionary measure (since with her being so little, if they get behind an infection, it's hard to catch up). But so far, so good. They're also upping her feedings today. Today she's been getting a whopping 2 ml every 4 hours. :)

We won't know more about the blood clot in her brain until this coming Wednesday. They'll do another ultrasound of her brain and see what progress (if any) is being made.

Did you know that today is the first day of August? Whew praise God! I don't think I can handle any more of July. 8 years ago Daniel and I got married in July thinking - July should be a good month - not much happens in July. Right. Now, not only do I have an anniversary on July 14 - but within 10 days following our anniversary I have two kids birthdays! Crazy - Who would have thought? Of course, this July has been way too full of events. Hello August - I hope August is a little less exciting.


  1. Yeah July is a full month for you guys! Keep the updates and videos coming, I am reading and watching them religiously:)
    If you guys ever have anything you don't understand or aren't quite sure if you are getting the full information just let me know. There is an awesome neonatologist that works nights here...he just gave me a lesson on brain bleeds in premies with a diagram and everything. His information from what he knows of Lily's condition was very encouraging.

  2. Love you guys! Glad Lily seems to be doing better these last couple days. You're right about July, Tash - who would have thought it would end up being so jam-packed? :)
