Monday, August 10, 2009

Band about my wrist

I am still wearing the baby band around my wrist that the hospital gave me when Lily was born. It identifies me as Lily's mom and gives me access to the NICU. Daniel has one also. Funny the things people notice when I'm out shopping or in a doctors office - so often they comment on my wristband and of course ask about my baby. "Oh, you had a baby girl - Congratulations - what's her name - how much did she weigh?" I'm beginning to dread this particular conversation. I often consider lying, just to avoid the rest of the story. It is difficult to answer, "My daughter Lily weighed 1 lb. 9 oz.". It's almost unbelievable - so tiny - less than 2 boxes of butter. But ...well... I answer truthfully, sometimes with slight tears in my eyes. The other person is always kind ... and then I remember that she is in excellent care, she is growing ( 1 lb. 14 oz. today), and ultimately God is watching over her.


  1. Amazing grace! 1 lb. 14 oz.
    Dad & Gini

  2. Hi Tasha and Daniel. I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and your family and praying for you. In Christ, Ricky
