Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ah the days of baby food...

My dad took this picture of Lily this weekend. Boy her face is a mess! She continues to learn to eat solids. She’s mostly a fan of pureed baby food, but is slowly (pole-pole) learning to like solid finger food. The latest favorite is tiny bits of deli ham. Ah – I can’t wait until she eats the same thing as Jude -- ode to preparing one meal for the whole family.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I took Jude and Lily with me to Target yesterday.  As we were headed to check out, we passed by a large ‘red, white, and blue’ display of fun shiny packages that glow, pop, and sparkle.  Jude said, “Stop mommy, let’s look,… what are those?”.  I said, “Those are firecrackers”.  To which Jude replied, “Oooh, those are yummy!!!”.  I had to laugh. It’s just so like my ‘garbage disposal, eat anything, Jude’ to focus on what he knows as ‘cracker’.  J

Monday, June 21, 2010

After Surgery

The first four days after surgery were tough ones. Lily was very unhappy to be kept in her arm splints (not all the time - but much of the day). I should have taken a picture of her with her bandage on - she looked like she had a big white mustache. But with all the chaos of keeping her happy, I didn't quite have time. On Friday, her bandage became very loose - so I took it off. Her lip looks really good. It's amazing how fast little ones heal. Here's a couple of pictures...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lily's Surgery

Lily had surgery to repair the cleft in her lip yesterday. The surgery lasted about an hour and a half; it went well and Lily came out of the anesthesia ok. The doctor said the surgery would help align the muscles in her lips and give her better muscle control. Lily was quite sleepy and not feeling well yesterday -- but today she has been much happier. She's been drinking her milk well and is doing ok eating her 'baby food'. The hardest part has been entertaining her. It's challenging to keep her happy 'and' keep her hands and toys out of her mouth. It's been a long day keeping both kids safe and happy - hopefully life will get easier as her lip heals and she doesn't need to be watched so intently.

Herron Family Vacation

Here's a few pics from our recent family vacation. We went to the Outer Banks in Nags Head, NC and rented an 8 bedroom house right on the beach - with pool and hot tub. It was a fabulous time!