Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Wow - I guess I haven't blogged in awhile. It's been a busy March - full of just life I guess. Here's a couple pictures of the kiddos. Jude's hair is getting crazy these days - it needs to be trimmed. Jude is into doing things himself - climbing up and down things himself, carrying toys himself, helping to empty the silverware from the dishwasher himself, and dressing himself. After nap time today I went into his room and there he stood with pants off, pull up off, long sleeved shirt off -- and what he did have on? - his favorite short-sleeved orange soccer shirt from Uncle Luke And he was hold a pair of big boy underpants in his hand. He said he wanted to wear them. He's not potty-trained yet - but I let him wear them for awhile. Ah potty's coming.

Lily? Well, she's 10.5 lbs, rolling over, and a smiley delight. We had an x-ray taken of her hips to make sure she didn't have any hip displacement problems. The x-ray turned out completely normal. Hooray! We also met with a plastic surgeon about the very very minor cleft (just a little crease really) in her lip. We're going to get it fixed in June. I love this picture taken of Lily - she's such a sweet girl!