Tuesday, July 18, 2006


daniel and i are feeling better. i think we've both been able to get
over our colds.

spain is a pretty cool place. i've always heard the spainiards take a
siesta in the afternoon -- but i'm not sure i ever really believed it.
it's true! it is so hot here. it reaches 100 degrees usually every
day by noon. thus, the stores open around 10:00 am and then close
around 1:00 pm. everyone goes home and really does take a siesta.
you can tell by the streets - they're empty. and then around 5:00 pm,
all the stores open back up again and things really get to hopping
around 9:00 pm. we even see families out with babies and small kids
playing in the park and eating a light dinner at 9:00 in the evening.
people are out because it's cooler. a siesta makes a whole lot of

spainish women love to dress fasionably - the streets are lines with
shoe shops, jewelery shops, purse/bag shops, and clothing shops -- and
it seems the women are always shopping. especially now in the summer.
in late july and all through august the shops have sales. they start
around 30% off and gradually increase. right now things are anywhere
from 50-70% off. it's pretty cool.

the food here is not what i think of spanish - or latin at all. they
eat a lot of potatoes, fish, chicken, salads, and cold soup (like a
tomato soup called gazpacho). the coffee (coffee con leche - coffee
with milk) is wonderful. they also traditionally serve churros for
breakfast. they are fried dough-like things that you dip in warm
chocolate -- very tasty.

that's all for now. we are headed to spend one last night on a
spanish beach before we leave for italy on friday. love to you all --

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