Sunday, July 09, 2006

Spain and the World Cup Final

we arrived in Spain on Friday evening. Daniel's dad and sister, Lydia, picked us up at the airport in Malaga. We then drove about 2 hours to Granada. Daniel's cold continued to get worse -- but he got some antibiotics yesterday and that has been helping. i have had a sore throat and feel like i've been on the verge of also getting his cold - flu - or whatever sickness he has. however, i have been able to hold it off. it is good to be with family. there is a whole crew here - Daniel's parents, Lydia and her boyfriend, Gabe (who just arrived today), and Pete (Daniel's brother) and his girlfriend, Janet. Tomorrow we are leaving early to go visit the Alhambra. Should be very interesting.

well...after a month of intense soccer ... Italy has won it! i can hardly believe all this soccer excitement has come to an end. the final was a hard-fought game. we were pretty disappointed in Zinadine Zidane - who head-butted an italian player in the chest in overtime. he was given a red card and sent off the field. Zidane is usually such an amazing and stand-up player, it was astonishing he lost his head in his last world cup game. ah well. we were excited that Italy won.

it is really really hot here in Spain - 106 degrees today. the only consolation is that there is very little humidity. and a blessing for us, that Dad and Gini have air conditioning in their apartment.

i'm out -- hope everyone had a blessed sunday.


  1. It isn't unusual for Zidane to loose his temper. He was suspended for a number of games a few years back for stomping a downed player on the field after the player slid in and took the ball from him. It was intentional and quite painful looking as he stomped his heel on the players hip.

  2. that may be ... lots of football players loose their temper at one time or another ... but it's still astonishing that he was so stupid in what has been said is his last game in the world cup final.

  3. hey t&d . . . just found your blog today--dad just forwarded me the link. i've been missing out on the news! so glad you've enjoyed settling in Spain with family. wow--very hot there--it's been over 100 degrees here too! crazy weather, very uncomfortable. hope you're both feeling better--how are the colds? I caught one from Rohan last Wed, and still have it.

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