Wednesday, October 21, 2009

6 lbs 2 oz

Today Lily is over 6 lbs. She seems to be taking a step backward in eating lately. For the past 3 days, she's taken very few feedings from a bottle. It is hard to watch. I'm so connected with any of Lily's daily details. If she has a good day, I have one. If she has a sleepy day, my day is just a little more sad. On top of it all, Daniel and I have been fighting a cold (which keeps us from seeing Lily). Daniel is pulling out of his and I'm still trying to fend mine off. You'd be impressed Mom, I've even gargled vinegar a couple of times! I'm hoping and praying that somehow, I can get by without a full blown runny nose and sore throat. I have absolutely no idea when Lily will be able to come home. Please God, allow her to eat and come home by my birthday.


  1. Hi Tash. Know it is up and down for you as regards Lily! She will get into eating soon. She is so special. Love all your pictures. What a cutie!

    Have a great day!

  2. Tasha & Daniel,
    It must be so frustrating not to have Lily home yet. We are begging the Lord with you that she can make it by your bday.
    dad & gini
