Wednesday, September 30, 2009


This week Lily is 38 weeks old (gestationally). She is 4 lbs. 11 oz. It has been 10 weeks since she was born. I can't help but think I should have been very pregnant about this time and anxiously awaiting Lily to be born. Indeed it definitely didn't work out as we had planned. Nevertheless, we are still waiting on Lily. We are waiting for her to learn to eat (bottle feed and nurse). She needs to be able to eat her entire feeding from a bottle for all her feedings to be able to go home. Currently she's pretty inconsistent. She will eat half her feeding maybe a couple times of day. So...we wait. I believe she just needs to get a little bigger and a little stronger. Today I looked back at a bunch of photos of Lily. It really is amazing to see how she has grown - she was 'so' tiny when she was born. Go Lily...go. We will wait sweetheart.

Sweet pink polka-dot girl

Lily getting weighed - 4 lbs 11.6 oz

Lily asleep in her crib - see my Elephant
Blanket Grammy Sue and Grandpa John!


  1. Lily looks great! Praying for that last bit of strength and energy to come. We sent Matt, Laura, Macy & Mia to the airport at 5:30 am. Pass on our love to Jude. Love, Dad & Gini

  2. Yay Lily!! Look at that sweet little double chin-woohoo! :)
