Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Not too much to report today. That's probably a good thing. Lily is doing really well. Her breathing is good, all her blood counts are good, she's slowly gaining weight, and she had a bath today. She's up to 2 lbs. 11 oz. Grandma and Grandpa Herron are in town and having been helping us out immensely with cooking and taking care of Jude.

I am feeling much better (seemed to have kicked this cold). Mostly...I've been anxious for and have been thinking about fall. I love fall. It is most definitely my favorite time of year. I love it when football starts (even if the broncos are a sorry excuse for a team this year -- we'll see). I love sweatshirt weather. I love it when the leaves change color and the sun shines a little less... and I love to sip a grande decaf single pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks. There just seems to be something about fall that allows me to ... take a really deep breath. There's only one thing missing ... one thing that would make it perfect ... Lily. I long to be able to take a walk in my blue hooded sweatshirt with Lily snug at my chest wrapped in a sling. That will be a good day -- having Lily always close by.


  1. Tasha - I'm friends with several of the Herron/Cobb siblings and have been praying for you all and Lily. I cried this morning as I read what you wrote about longing to have Lily with you. I pray that happens sooner than anyone could even imagine! I pray the Lord gives you strength each moment, each day.

  2. OK, just read this and it made me cry. Lily would be the perfect addition to the perfect season. Soon, my friend!
